Nyse stock trading halt history

Nyse stock trading halt history

Posted: Grafin On: 11.07.2017

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Trade Halts - Current

If a security is halted and subsequently undergoes a symbol change prior to its resumption, the resumption message will reference the new symbol. FINRA is a registered trademark of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.

Trading halted at the NYSE - Business Insider

View Only Current All Halts Issue Refine Your Results Reset Total Results: Halt Code Definitions Halt Code Description D1 Trading Halt - Security Deleted from OTCE.

H10 Trading Halt - SEC Trading Suspension.

nyse stock trading halt history

The Securities and Exchange Commission has suspended trading in the issue until further notice. T3 Trading Halt Resumption - The time when the issue is released for trading.

U1 Trading Halt - Foreign Regulatory Halt.

Trading is halted because the OTC Equity Issue or the issue underlying an American Depository Receipt "ADR" that is an OTC Equity issue "OTC ADR" is listed on or registered with a foreign issues exchange or market, and the foreign issues exchange, market, or regulatory authority overseeing such issuer, exchange, or market, has halted trading in such issue for regulatory reasons because of public interest concerns or for news pending.

U2 Trading Halt - Derivative Halt.

Trading is halted because the OTC Equity Issue or the issue underlying an OTC ADR is a derivative or component of a issue listed on or registered with a national issues exchange or foreign issues exchange or market "listed issue" and the national issues exchange, or foreign issues exchange or market has imposed a trading halt in the listed issue U3 Trading Halt - Extraordinary Event Halt.

Trading is halted because FINRA has determined that an extraordinary event has occurred or is ongoing that has had a material effect on the market for the OTC Equity Issue or the issue underlying an OTC ADR or has caused or has the potential to cause major disruption to the marketplace or significant uncertainty in the settlement and clearance process.

Money A2Z

Up to three email addresses separated by a comma From: Trading Halt - SEC Trading Suspension. Trading Halt Resumption - The time when the issue is released for trading.

nyse stock trading halt history

Trading Halt - Foreign Regulatory Halt. Trading Halt - Derivative Halt. Trading is halted because the OTC Equity Issue or the issue underlying an OTC ADR is a derivative or component of a issue listed on or registered with a national issues exchange or foreign issues exchange or market "listed issue" and the national issues exchange, or foreign issues exchange or market has imposed a trading halt in the listed issue.

Trading Halt - Extraordinary Event Halt.

nyse stock trading halt history
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