What are the safest investment options

What are the safest investment options

Posted: Sslash On: 17.07.2017

Safe Haven

With the roller coaster ride that the stock market has been on and with seemingly every other investment vehicle going down the tubes, more and more people are desperately searching for the safest investments available.

These options, while not necessarily a sure thing are about as close as you can get to a sure thing. The good thing about putting your money into a savings account or CD is that it is likely the single safest investment that the average consumer can make and actually make a little bit of interest. You can compare cd rates online. These CDs are still insured, but they are denominated in a foreign currency, meaning that the value in dollar terms could go up or down.

what are the safest investment options

However, with the relative weakness of the dollar on Forex markets, this could be a good way to guarantee most of your money while still getting a decent return. Another option which is considered one of the safest investments on the planet are US government bonds.

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Series EE bonds, which are, as of this writing, still available from the Federal Government as well as from most banks offer a fixed interest rate for the life of the bond, which is set each year. Note that as of January,EE bonds will become purely electronic rather than being offered as paper bonds.

Are There Any Liquid & Safe Investments?

The bad news here is twofold. First, interest rates on EE bonds are extremely low. As of July,they are in the range of 1. Plus, while the chances are extremely slight, there is still the possibility of the US government defaulting on their loans, as the recent impasse over the debt ceiling shows.

Gold is usually considered a very bad, but relatively safe investment. The bad part about gold and other precious metals is twofold.

First, the stuff has to be stored and if it gets stolen, you lose your investment. Second, there has been a bubble forming around precious metals and the value of these holdings could crash. It may seem like a strange thing to list real estate as one of the safest investments available today, given the fact that, as of this writing, we are still facing a housing crisis in the United States. However, the fact is that this is precisely the time to invest in real estate, but only if you plan to hold it for the long term.

In the interim, real estate can be rented out or lived in so you can get some benefit in the short term as well. Finally, rounding out our list of the safest investments is another one for the long term investor. You can use these tags: Related What are the safest investment options The Best Bonds are Low Risk Living Off Your Investments Comments Got something to say?

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