Powers of authorised dealers in foreign exchange

Powers of authorised dealers in foreign exchange

Posted: Esdoska On: 24.06.2017

Provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA provides free transaction on current account subject to the guidelines by the RBI. Enforcement of Foreign Exchange Management Act FEMA is entrusted to a separate directorate, which undertakes investigations on contraventions of the Act.

Provisions of FEMA are grouped under four heads. Important provisions under each of the four heads, having a bearing on promoting economic development through foreign investment with enabling provisions to ensure the curtailing of inflationary trends from such transactions, are outlined below.

Any person can sell or draw foreign exchange to or from an authorised dealer if such sale or withdrawal is a current account transaction except for certain prohibited transactions like remittance of lottery winnings, remittance of interest income on funds held in Non-Resident Special Rupee NRSR account scheme, etc.

Foreign Exchange and Management Act, - Academike (ISSN: )

Besides these cases, there are certain other transactions, for which specific RBI approval will be required. Listing of permissible classes of Capital account transaction for a person resident in India and also by a person resident outside India has been provided in the regulations.

Authorised dealers are now permitted to grant rupee loans to NRIs against security of shares or immovable property in India, subject to certain terms and conditions. Authorised dealers or housing finance institutions approved by National Housing Bank can also grant rupee loans to NRIs for acquisition of residential accommodations subject to certain terms and conditions.

FEMA-Foreign Exchange Management Act

General permission has been granted to Indian company including Non-Banking Finance Company registered with Reserve Bank to accept deposits from NRIs on repatriation basis subject to the terms and conditions specified in the schedule. Export proceeds are required to be realised within a period of 6 months from the date of shipment. In the case of exports to a warehouse established abroad with the approval of Reserve Bank, the proceeds have to be realised within 15 months from the date of shipment.

An enabling provision has been made in this regulation to delegate powers to authorised dealers to allow extension of time. Export of goods on elongated credit terms beyond six months requires prior approval of Reserve Bank.

Authorised Dealers in foreign exchange - South African Reserve Bank

A person resident in India to whom any foreign exchange is due or has accrued is obligated to take reasonable steps to realise and repatriate to India such foreign exchange unless an exemption has been provided in the Act or regulations made under the general or special permission of Reserve Bank.

Any foreign exchange due or accrued as remuneration for services rendered or in settlement of any lawful obligation or an income on assets held outside India or as inheritance, settlement or gift to a person resident in India should be sold to an authorised person within a period of seven days of its receipt and in all other cases within 90 days of its receipt.

Any person who has drawn exchange for any purpose but has not utilised it for the same or any other purpose permissible under the provisions of the Act should surrender such foreign exchange or un-utilised foreign exchange to an authorised person within a period of 60 days from the date of acquisition.

powers of authorised dealers in foreign exchange

The Reserve Bank has specified the limit for possession and retention of foreign currency by a person resident in India. There is no restriction on possession of foreign coins by any person. The Reserve Bank has granted general permission to any person to receive any payment: Reserve bank has also granted general permission to a person resident in India to make payment in rupees;.

powers of authorised dealers in foreign exchange
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