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Influential Catholics—many of them supporters of Barack Obama —are advancing a proposition that may have the result of sullying the reputations of Catholic conservatives and those Catholics arguing for a robust market economy.

They couch their arguments in Catholic Social Teaching; the common good, political community, love for the poor, subsidiarity. They compare this over against libertarianism; a radical individualism where each man sets and makes his own course that—damn all the rest—leads to his flourishing unless the heavy hand of the state interrupts it. Above all—to radical individualists—the State is the Enemy. One of the overarching questions, at least for some of us in the room, was where are the libertarians you all are talking about?

I do not want to suggest that any of the speakers were cagey but as I recall only one of them even mentioned the name of a group that is suspect. Matthew Boudway of Commonweal drew a bright line right at the real target of the conference. The line began with libertarianism and went straight to political conservatives and to free marketeers.

He named the Acton Institute. More on Acton below. John DiIulio of the University of Pennsylvania gave perhaps the most disappointing talk. It could have been an Obama campaign commercial. He began, though, with Ayn Rand and John Galt. That is the thing that occurred to some of us that day and subsequently. Any support of a market economy equals libertarianism equals Randism equals heresy. Are we who favor smaller government, less regulation, and market solutions really the same as Ayn Rand and John Galt?

The Catholic left dutifully reported that Sirico sees Galt as a Christ-figure, which he never did. Of course this make Father Sirico and Acton the worst kinds of libertarians.

By the way, faithful Catholics like philanthropists Frank Hanna and Sean Fieler are on the Acton board. Another person this group wanted to instruct was actually sitting in the audience that day.

Andrew Abela had been named founding Dean of the Business School of Catholic University of America. When the school was founded, a mere 12 months before, one of the big donors was the Charles Koch Foundation. Almost immediately 50 professors wrote a letter to CUA president John Garvey and Andrew Abela suggesting that a grant was inappropriate in light of Catholic Social Teaching.

The charges against the Kochs were they supported Governor Scott Walker in his fight to free public sector employees from having to join the union, that the Kochs support those who question global warming, and that they opposed expansion of Medicaid in some of the states. I honestly never knew that mandatory union membership was something my faith required, and global warming, too. Likely with a chuckle, the University pointed out that a huge number of professors who signed the letter work at academic institutions that happily take scads of Koch cash.

Just like the Juice-Box Theologians, these folks seem intent on convincing Catholics that we are forbidden by the Church to be economic conservatives; that Catholics cannot believe in a market economy.

Now, many people these days do call themselves libertarian. Many are merely small government conservatives who may believe they are libertarians without understanding all that it means.

And none of this is to say that libertarianism is not a problem, because it is a serious problem. In the fight against abortion, same-sex marriage, and pornography, libertarianism is the enemy. I think of the Cato Institute. I think also of Students for Liberty. I watched Matthew Spalding debate the head of Students for Liberty at the Conservative Political Action Conference last year.

The student called for Federal intervention to impose same-sex marriage on the states. Spalding, who is with Hillsdale College, called him a big government liberal.

But the libertarian problem is not helped by Catholic Democrats attacking their Republican counterparts. There is, in fact, great common cause that could be made by Catholic Democrats and Catholic Republicans including on the question of libertarianism. But that cannot happen if your project is less about advancing the cause of Catholic Social Teaching than it is about scoring political points and winning elections.

Tagged as Ayn RandCatholic Social ThoughtCUAlibertarianismProgressive CatholicsStephen Schneck. His forthcoming book Fake Science: He is also the author of the new book Little Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point Us to Christ just published by Tan Books.

The Finsbury Mosque Attack. Do Christians Not Care About Blasphemy Any More? Amoris Laetitia and the Four Last Things. Here ya go, click on below, the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The search engine is excellent. Under Church teaching, they have ex communicated themselves:. First of all, stop attending the Novus Ordo Missae. You will only hear sermons on teachings with which the priests agrees. Secondly, attend the Latin Rite mass, which is the real mass. You will hear sermons on issues, such as, Abortion, same sex marriage, etc.

Thirdly, read the documents from the Council of Trent, and see how they differ from the teachings of Vatican II. Or so you say over and over and over.

I personally believe that Pope John was inspired by Christ to call the Council and what it arrived at is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Mass is beautiful in all its forms, including the Tridentine, the Novus Ordo and the Chrysostom expressions because they are all the vehicle for the greatest gift Christ gave to us, himself in the Eucharist.

For those who imagine there is no such thing as a good Novus Ordo, go to the Vatican youtube site, and watch the mass said by the Pope on Epiphany sunday. I must admit that the only NO Masses I find reverential are those where the Canon is sung and those where the priest is ad orientem vs ad populi as assumed by the Roman Missal. Yes— few of those reciting this critique about Vatican II have ever even looked at it. Today, Francis comes in and pushes a more strident, urgent agenda, that of purifying hearts and evangelizing, but guess who undermines him and refuses to consider pre-Vatican II ethics, staying in lockstep with secular ways?

The cultish unthinking devotion to Bergoglio is tedious but calling people who have endured his and others irrational enthusiasms for failed and destructive movements in the Church and Culture over the last 40 years unfaithful is just the utterance of spiteful contempt.

Bergoglio is a only man from a failed Archdiocese in a failed society operating under a failed political and ethical paradigm and he wants us to double down on it. So his criticism in Evangelii Gaudium 96 is one hundred percent correct. He is only a man with a pathetic history of spitefully creating disunity in the Church in his brief period as Supreme Pontiff. The Borgia Popes were also elected as were all of the Antipopes so his election is about as much a confirmation of his impeccability as their elections.

The people who rejoice the most heartedly for his antics are the least faithful, morally corrupt and apostates at such sites as the National Catholic Report. They are the Catholic Left whose failure to communicate, teach and live the Faith truthfully or honesty produced the problems in the Western Church today. Everything they touch has failed.

Well, that is guilt by association. That is like saying that, because some unfaithful people affiliated with this or that cause like his words, then that makes him affiliated with that cause.

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And you are so proficient, you cannot learn a thing from your Holy Father. Every Pope who ever was seated including Frabcis, continued to seek and know Christ even better… But not you!

And you are so proficient that you cannot learn anything from your Holy Father. You know, every Pope ever seated understood that they needed to keep on seeking, to know Christ better.

Dear OT, You are confronting a troll. I, unlike some of my traditionalist friends, do not necessarily consign him to that group — yet — but neither am I obligated to believe every word he utters when his track record so far is so terribly mixed. You are completely wrong to suggest that the faithfulness of Catholics is measureable by how foolishly we trust questionable statements and actions by any pope.

In first case, it seems you would believe that economics is strictly quantitative and also a science, tasked strictly with maximizing output. Catholics should want all of that, to be uninfluenced by faith? And in second case, I imagine there is nary a science-based project you would endorse, based on the heated sales hob of some giant corporation.

Meanwhile meteorologists with an interest in what gain exactly, are conspiring to stop your wheels from turning? You believe that sound economics consists of kneeling at the altar of maximum efficiency and output. It is actually not a science st all, just a self-informing system of logic, controlled by elites. On the other hand, weather and atmosphere are independently measurable, a natural science. You most likely would support any new science-based endeavor based on the hyping of a large corporation with inherent interest.

So what interest exactly do the meteorologists of the world have, in stopping your wheels from turning, that they would conspire en masse, to determine the greenhouse effects of carbon emissions?

I look forward to the day when there is a conference held with the title: And, lest we forget, the leftists will not be invited to speak either.

And Austin, thanks for naming names. We will be compiling a list of these worst offenders for future reference. They are all highly relevant, but pay particular close attention to goal no. Where have you read that phrase before — straight from the serpent. Fred has offered a rebuttal so I await his reply. You can continue the search and find many good analyses of the successes. Actually, those goals are a little too perfect. The list was invented by a far right writer Cleon Skousen, and were never generated by the communists, or anyone else, on their own.

I would not be entirely surprised to learn, but I have never found evidence. Do you have a source? Well,Cleon Skousen is listed as the author of The Naked Communist, as referenced above. Any proof this list was invented?

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Actually the Left Wing CLAIMS that Skousen created that list but they never really go on to explain how the things on that list are coincidentally support tactics of subversion that are historically used by the Left Wing to foment revolution and social crisis. And I have no doubt that the PC monitors in nondescript buildings are following along and compiling a list of nonconformists to the state religion as well. Yeah, but try to stop and turn… that is why crossing the T is considered goal of modern fleet action.

Such as at Leyte Gulf, although having said that, I think that is where the real Yamato met her fate. I will sit you down for spelling lesson some time… Yamato was largest battleship in history, actually sunk not in Leyte Gulf, but in a battle south of home islands. Launched inYamato was also an epic failure by any criteria: It demonstrated to anyone paying attention that the age of the dreadnought was over and age of the aircraft and guided missile begun.

Still would have sunk a destroyer toe to toe…. DE needs to change his name to that of a carrier…. Yours is the worldly, US Presbyterian ethic. What else could you call it, when you jump up and down insisting that our Holy Father has no right to speak against excesses in business and political spheres? No doubt, without freedom, there can be no innovation, but this does not change the fact that with freedom comes responsibility, and unrestricted capitalism can lead to atheistic materialism.

Even the most ardent believer in free markets me believes that there must be ways to adjudicate contractual disputes and provide for surety in execution, to establish the rules and habits of exchange, standards of measurement, content and quality and a myriad of other things.

The problem with the left is that they are invincibly ignorant and paranoid. The world is awash in laws and regulations, that no one can even count, let alone comply with. Many of these rules are capricious edicts that would make an Egyptian Pharaoh envious. Yet despite this, in the fetid swamps of the leftist imagination is always this concocted specter of a world of apocalyptic anarchy and the promise of nirvana to be delivered by the state.

Despite the historical evidence of both the frequency and nature of the unrestrained state-they continually imbue it with the potential for omniscience, omnibenevolence and incorruptibility.

Daniels, you get it… The only bad thing about innovation is too much, overtaking humanity. How can so-called conservatives be in favor, of a perpetual state of revolution? Creative destruction… Now there is a Satanic concept! And CAN lead to great philanthropy depending on the path one chooses. With freedom comes responsibility, with slavery comes servitude.

If I may, no one is advocating new laws, only that people open their hearts to the Holy Spirit… If people focus on faith, family, community, and life, the rapaciousness of our system is automatically deflated. It is a phantom invented by the left.

The pope should be talking about the teachings of Jesus, who as far as I know, never talked about economics. Jesus never talked about economics… Except to point out that pursuit of wealth takes you away from God. What is harder than passing a camel through the eye of a needle? I honestly believe that not capitalism nor communism or socialism have any chance to bring justice to our society. The Catholic Church Social Doctrine is the only one qualified to reach it. I cannot find any political position which brings any solution to save the welfare of everyone.

What do you think about it? Yes, there are no laws of man that can make things right. Only to open every heart one by one to the CST and the Word of our Lord found in Matthew 5 to 7. No systems, no codes, no attempts to reconcile that Word with the the supposedly nasty business of of the world.

The business of the world is as nasty as it wants to be. The idea that man is inherently selfish is an idea foisted onto you by Satanic forces. Yes, that is what I said. I am bemoaning the myth used to promote competitive economics, that man is inherently selfish, depraved and cast out into a cruel dog-eat-dog wilderness. With this mindset nan metes out his punishments, including all self-inflicted pain. Speaking of nasty, I can see you actually get it and originally I attacked your post that was simply intended for the partisans… Will edit.

Plant not, eat not, have nothing to give. Plant more, receive more, have more to give away or to share. This was also parable you take literally… an analogy about treating others well, lest their hatred is returned to you. To face Truth is one of the ahrdest things in life, thus, we have PC!

Pure crap that is what we now have across our nation and the world! Never to give into temptation! But, what is True must be told. Sin is Sin there is no two ways about it. Debt is debt, it must paid. Using the gift of Life He gave to serve not Him, but selfishness, committing Mortal Sins openly while promoting them, that is Sin upon Sins!

Speaking as Roman Catholic only! Give and you shall receive…. The Gospels say nothing about pursuing wealth. How else can people survive if they do not pursue wealth? But I do not interpret wealth this way.

It just so happens that conservatives — the free market types — are better at assisting those in need than are those on the left who are against free and open markets. You are correct, and Jesus was only noting the reality of an obsession with gain…. Such as we have today. Our system penalizes those who do not engage in the material arms race…. I think an important point where we have lost our way, is simply trumpeting to our children that they can do anything, be anything….

And we see where that led us. What ever happened to parents and educators making a good faith attempt to find the fertile aptitude within each person?

Everything we have is a loan from our Heavenly Father for us to go through life based upon His gift. Wealth is form Him. He alone knows why some have more than others… t he point is to not create envy, no to envy.

But always living with Gratitude for whatever He willed for each of us. But remember, charity begins at HOME. God bless you, Thomas! His Wisdom endures forever! All those who Trust in Him and living in His Word, will always find Peace in Him and In Love with His Truth and understands what LOVE truly Means!

It is infinite, limitless! One must be firmly planted in His Spirit and in His Truth! Living in Hos Word and He did! The flesh and the Word are ONE! His Living Image is within us! Hallelujah and God Bless you too— We will be spreading this news together! The only Crisis, is in our hearts! What we are, we are. I am that I AM! What i have shut, no one an open. You paint with too broad a brush. He gets into specifics about economics and business models about which he knows nothing.

Please give me a link…. Never could understand the designation left or right. There is no such thing as a liberal Catholic or a conservative Catholic. There are the faithful and unfaithful. So said the faithful Catholic as he put a match to the bonfire about to consume St. The argument was repeated later by Torquemada, as he sentenced yet another wretch to death. Your kind of thinking is dangerous, dangerous thinking, a blight on the history of religion, a guilty burden Catholicism will continue to bear as long as history has a story to tell.

My type of thinking is dangerous? The Catechism says that anyone who does not believe in the teaching of the church is a heretic. We simply want everyone to have some of the advantages we enjoy — particularly health insurance, which is a basic human right. We would not wish that on anybody — not on the poor, not on the rich, not on the middle class. I think you project too much. Divorce rates, teen pregnancy, and porn consumption as determined by a study of online credit card transactions are higher in red states than in blue states.

Conservatives are more likely to indulge in impure behavior while condemning the same in others. Well congratulations, you are Exhibit 1 in the case of the obvious, in fact you are the poster child and you are kind enough to provide the prosecution with unsolicited corroborating testimony.

Gifts to the United States U. Department of the Treasury Credit Accounting Branch East-West Highway, Room D Hyattsville, MD No projections on my part. I just think their words are at least worth a fair and respectful hearing. Still even though you are transparently one of those political activists attempting to hijack religion in the service of Marx, I regard attracting your venom as a public service. I wish you only the best and hope that you get the help you need.

You are so wrong, so often. This time, no exception. You have not addressed the facts but have continued to be abusive and irrational. I sincerely hope that you are able to get some help with your anger management problems.

I am saddened that you are so filled with hatred and contempt, and I sincerely hope that you are able to move to a better and happier place. I will pray that you find peace and that those around you will be safe through your raging. If you want to make responding to me a career, have at it. I do a public service keeping you at your computer and away from things that might hurt the innocent.

Notice a pattern here, DE?

Once more you are being denounced — and justly so — for being venomous and mean-spirited by one of your interlocutors on this blog. It is a constantly recurring pattern: As soon as your interlocutor begins to get the better of you in an argument, if not before, you lash out at him or her with violent insults.

I suggest you pay attention regarding this personal issue — if not to me, then to M, and the many others who have called you out on this. The trespasser then has the blazing audacity to complain about others.

Nothing prevents you from divesting yourself of all unnecessary capital and giving it to your government. You just finished saying there is no such thing as a liberal Catholic or a conservative Catholic. Now you pronounce another to be a liberal Catholic. Of course, this is hyperbole on my part, but it does point up the utter falsehood of your original statement. If that is the case, then join us, the Blessed Margaret of Castello Chapter, a lay Dominican chapter in Boise, Idaho, for the Colloquium on the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, at St.

Hey, I heard of this nasty little group, even down here among the Baptists where I live, thanks to a letter from an outraged relative of mine, now gone to God. She said they slapped a deacon in the face because they were offended by his sermon, then bragged about it online.

True heirs of the Grand Inquisition. He should have sued their butts, but like Jesus, he turned the other cheek. Nicholas was known to throw a punch. Perhaps you might benefit from a sound thrashing, yourself, you conceited misanthrope. But as violence goes you are a serial abuser of truth. But wars have their inevitable evil consequences, even for the righteous victor, who committed what the the Catechism calls crimes against God along the way.

And then there was the aftermath, as we became this perpetually hyper-armed nation, unable to stop even after the Cold War was over. Now our bullets have reaped a harvest in the Middle East. This is abusive and irrational. I pray that you receive the help you so obviously need. Oh get a life. You really should try to come up with something more original. You want to compare my comment history with your own?

Interestingly, you provide not even one example of what you consider to be at the level of your own vulgar ad hominem rejoinders. Do you really believe, however, that that comment is nearly as harsh as a comment like this: In any case you revealed yourself for who you are many times and it provides some of us with merriment.

Be true to yourself. Sheldon Cooper with less social skills. The opposite of love is indifference, not hate. You, madam are a hypocrite. All we get from you trolls is claims of authority. Over the age of 60! You are terribly, terribly troubled and completely guilty of everything you charge me and others of-get help before you hurt somebody. He did grievous damage to the Church and should treated with the same scorn and revulsion one reserves for the likes of Cardinal Wolsey.

Jesus told YOU to give, not to advocate that the state take from SOMEBODY else to do it, or do you read some scripture where Jesus calls the tax collector, rather than let the rich man away. You are a blasphemer. Are those statements posted by you a source of merriment? Most exchanges are … contentious and conclusions may be at odds with a reasonable interpretation of the facts surrounding the matter at hand.

Employee routinely resorts to insults and has made vague threats during rating period. Behavior seems habituated and despite numerous peer comments, remains persistent.

Counseling as a Requirement of Continued Employment, with termination as contingent option. Employee should be required to attend counseling with requirement that significant, steady and prompt improvement be demonstrated.

Counseling should include both respect and communications components. Employee should be subject to written agreement that unresponsiveness or further critical incidents will result in progressive disciplinary measures, up to and including involuntary separation for cause … based upon the nature and number of any such incidents.

You might have written it, but repeating yourself and announcing it is merely looking for attention. And I look forward to the day when there is one who comes to challenge the misguided Pharisees and gather up his believers. Carry your cross and follow me. The Fires of Hell is Frost bite!

In Hell there is no Light, there is No Life; it is death, that is ICE. Nothing grows on ice and is in total Darkness. When we die our body temperature departs from us, the presence within us that is our life left our body. He who trust God and loves Him, will love following His Word! The flesh of Jesus the Man lived every word He spoke. I think they are misstating the issue. The problem is that these liberals want to outsource their obligation to charity to an impersonal, inefficient, and sometimes borderline tyrannical bureaucracy.

One of the subtleties of the Gospel that has always fascinated me is how Christ physically healed the sick. He touched them, held them when he healed them. He spoke softly, lovingly, reassuringly to them. He spat in the dirt to make mud to caress the eyes of the blind man with a divine balm made of mud.

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He literally got His hands dirty. We are called to the same. We are to be about teaching the good news first or at least equal to our giving. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta was an excellent example. The mark of true brilliance is to speak with simplicity in a way all understand without having to follow up with clarifications, explanations or corrections.

God bless the gift to us of Pope Benedict, truly a brilliant man, and beautifully spoken in this quote. Right, never mind that there are poor people working three jobs and making so little that they qualify for food stamps.

Exactly— so much for the faultless operation of the system of capital. To which I imagine you will claim, that our system under the beckon call of mega- financiers and their corporate chieftains, is somehow suffering from too much government interference, and that somehow this is why the corporations who are calling the shots, do not pay living wages.

How much do you pay? Does it kill you to spread your bile using the products of a corporation calling the shots? He must be a mega- financier or a corporate chieftain. No one deserves what an outsider group of fools determines to be a living wage. Caring for the poor is our responsibility by lifting them up as needed. That responsibility stops at demanding or requiring that business owners paying people beyond what their skill level and abilities are worth.

You are correct, the Lambs of God will always be with us, because they are content with the few simple things God gave them. You are correct, and I did not claim to have perfected the simple ways myself….

I need work, but at least I know it. Because all those things put you in the top ten percent of the richest people on the planet. See how this works? Yes, what a shame I carry. However that is also my cost of living within this arms race of hoards. Income I have, but no liquid savings.

SubjectiveDelusionary, I am the guy with a second hand Caddy devoting himself to faith, family, community, life, and advising everyone else to join me. Just because Jesus predicted that poverty will persist until the end of the present age does not mean that he approved of that state of affairs. That, in fact, he strongly disapproved of it is readily evident from numerous of His statements, many of which are to be found in the Gospel of Luke starting with his pronouncing of blessings upon the poor, but woes upon the rich.

As people age, I see a lot of such bitterness and jealousy. People like yourself, for example. Possibly you have friends or family members that worked much harder than you, sacrificed, and took risks, and made a lot of money When you think about it, those people with what they pay in taxes in one year have helped the poor more through federal social programs than what the taxes you pay in twenty years!

The rich person who has worked hard has a greater appreciation and has probably given fifty times more to charity than you have. If you think our system rewards hard work instead of the chicanery involved with easy money, you are in a dream state.

There is chicanery, that is true. You ask what you want to eat every day, not what CAN you eat. Why is any desire to help the poor being linked with envy? And that many educated people do not believe that individual charity is enough, in our complex society, to assure guaranteed health care for all legislation has led to far more people being covered than charity ever did. I think you need to think this over a little more carefully.

Yes, Warren Buffet supports Obama and the ACA and increasing tax rates. There are many passages in the bible — in both Testaments — that denounce the greed and complacency of the rich. By contrast, I am not aware of a single passage — in either testament — that takes the poor specifically to task for their envy of the rich. To be sure, there is the Tenth Commandment, which deals with covetousness — i. The bible as a whole is a document for the poor, and against the rich.

What you are describing is Calvinism, not Catholicism. You seem to be a typical progressive who imagines what you think conservative Catholics MUST believe, but in fact you are quite ignorant in this regard.

Poor populations are just as riddled with the same ignorance, greed, dishonesty, criminality, and all other forms of foolishness as found in any other group of people you might arbitrarily classify — perhaps more so.

Well, since a devotion to faith, family, community, and life definitely comes at cost of business climbing and income, it is safe to say there are more good Christians among the lower income levels. Pro-life is at the very core of everything I am telling you. When you stop forcing mothers or potential mothers to throw themselves into the wheels of capital, then you can speak again.

Pro-life priority is at the heart of everything I am telling you…. When you stop making mothers and prospective mothers throw themselves into the gears of capital, them you may speak again. You realize this is how the ACA diverted funds to the state Medicaid expansion programs supporting abortion which goes in to the pockets of Planned Parenthood? That this is how your pal Obama got around his promise to Bart Stupak that the ACA would not fund abortion?

You did your homework on this, or is it news to you? FYI I opposed ACA which I felt was emblematic of oppressive neoliberalism.

However my main complaint, that it was just welfare for health insurers, was never even brought to light by Republicans. Too busy sucking at the insurance industry titties…. Maybe if they illuminated the bill as a gift to insurance industry, they could have won popular rejection e.

Democratic votes to defeat it. No, they stayed quiet and rolled over. All contemporary liberals treat people as too stupid to do anything for themselves. Otherwise, lefty would lose every election. For the Left, properly-directed envy is both a tactic and a virtue. And, following Alinsky, they must personify it: Because they reject principles and rules: You know, 99 out of people tax-saving investment options heard of Alinsky, maybe out of or even less, and could care less.

LBJ did that once all that was reported on AF1 after smiling and waving to the crowds, then once the door was closed he actually lifted his finger in contempt and had choice words for his adoring fans. He and Cranston have gone to their reward — but Cranston might come back: What about senators like Harry Reid who are the walking dead? He sure looks dead to me. The first sentence is so true.

Since Gingrich and Clinton joined hands 20 years ago, all we have in control are neo-cons plus neoliberals, all cozied up in the center. Far left people, who are as powerless as true conservatives, do believe there is evil. They just see different evils, that the right either cannot or does not see. One sees humans as evil because they believe humans alone except themselves disfigure their beloved Mother Nature, while the other sees evil in the faces of those who actively 24hr the best binary option signals fighting forex rate pound pakistan the mission of Christ on earth.

While there may be more of one or the other in each party, neither the red or blue tunics has a lock on virtue, which is all the more reason to grant them the least amount of power over us in the name of benevolence as possible.

The problem I have with that statement mine is that though neither has a lock on virtue, and some would argue one is lacking in empathy, I see under the tunics ones who bear the mark in far larger numbers starting at the top. One may be complicit, but another is actively promoting to accept evil as good, and good as evil.

We are not in this world to be apolitical, to not call out the Pharisees who would lead us astray out of the pasture. No doubt, that is what these fellers have trouble with… Christians complaining about the one percent are neither envious nor covetous. Being forex signals 100 pips to how to buy sri lanka stocks is like living on the moon.

We are only defending the sheep, including ourselves. The OWS crowd is varied. Obviously I agree with the idea, that greed is not good, and that destruction cannot be creative. They are at least trying to apply ethics and morals, more than quite a few of the von Mises fans just across the way. A lot of them defend the family a lot more, too, and they many recognize the culture of death. So, are we to fault them for being fooled by radical feminists etc etc, when no one has ever bothered to introduce them to Jesus?

But guess what… Buchanan is a protectionist. Try that around here and you are nothing but a socialist. Someone asked Pat why the terrorists are over here. He said they are over here, because we are over there.

Thank God for that man… Anyone with a mind could see it… all we bought for a trillion dollars, is a continuous stream if enemies for our country. Two thumbs up for Pat!! Anyone of sound mind could see that the only thing we purchased for a trillion dollars, is a steady stream of enemies for the US.

Impossible, for the far left is Evil Intrinsic. The parties are both filled with evil. London stock exchange wikipedia free encyclopedia right struggles with evil, too because all are fallen. The left is founded on self-absorption and the love of money and power.

What happened to the fallen state being equally distributed? It makes sense that your emblem would refer to a false event that has nothing to do with what you believe. Kind of like your philosophy takes us in the opposite direction from the Gospel. So here we are again, hearing about the limitations of a depraved humankind, from a neo-Thomist.

What you miss is that God can only make perfect things, including us. Our depravity and pain are at all times self-inflicted. We possess the will to cleave to the Word. Did Jesus teach us His Word, only to have us throw in the towel and say we are just sinners anyway, and there is nothing we can do to make the world better? So you decided to skip over the declared meaning of my nom de plume and just impute your own meaning, and then rant on with hyperbole, well thanks for proving my point to the coherent folks binary options 1 minute trading there.

Typo on Catholic at first, then I thought better of it. Ugh, I just looked up article too and about threw up. How sick is our church, it is quite sad. Where is archbishop Sheen current exchange rate pound to indian rupee you need him. Cardinal Burke, Koch brothers, etc. There are things that government must do. There are things that government may do, if the people allow it.

The rest belongs to the family, and the individual, possibly through his voluntary association with like minded people. That is mostly true, but hardly a rule.

Israel is socialist, and it is manageable and unoppressive because of small size and common culture. We cannot proceed to increase the wealth and power of the rich while we entrench the needy in their poverty and add to the woes of the oppressed. It is for the public authorities to establish and lay down the desired goals, the plans to be followed, and the methods to be used in fulfilling them; and it is also their task to stimulate the efforts of indicators of binary options is gambling commission involved in this common activity.

But they must also see to it that private initiative and intermediary organizations are involved in this work. He also had stern words for the Liberals: These concepts present profit as the chief spur to economic progress, free competition as the guiding norm of economics, and private ownership of the means of production as an absolute right, having no limits nor concomitant social obligations. Such improper manipulations of economic forces can never be condemned enough; let it be said once again that economics is supposed to be in the service of man.

Yes, but the need for government to do anything at all can be mitigated more efficiently by philanthropy from the local entrepreneur. Why force the money to make a mile round trip to DC if it can be put to good use sooner locally? Let those who want government fund government, let those who want individual charity fund individual charity. This task neeeds to be performed, not only by governments, but also, and especially, at the international level.

Obviously, government ministers should work in the closest collaboration with leaders of industry, the representatives of organised labour, the intelligensia and others.

You mean like the Soviet 5 year plans that had to be continually scrapped? Somewhere I read once about how government programs, however well intentioned? And they never, ever learn the lesson of the law of unintended consequences. At what point does intervention by the state become excessive according to CCC ? This appears to contradict the principle of subsidiarity. The sea and its resources including the right of access to it by land-locked states is an obvious example of the sort of problem that can only be how to earn money by writing ebooks through international conventions.

It is easy to think of many other examples. Subsidarity can eliminate the need for organization, if practiced properly. Family first, then friends, then neighborhood, then village, then city, then county, then State, then Federal. The best public authorities to specify goals, plans, and methods are those close to the action, especially those who will be directly affected one way or the other by the outcome.

As in every other sphere of life, everyone is conservative about the things he knows best. The s governmental optimism which permeates Populorum Progressio does not elevate the omniscience of government to an article of hvad er bollinger bands, but many misread it that way.

As I frequently observe to the consternation of Libertarians, I see very little problems with authentic Church Teaching on economic pre-Bergoglio and Conservative Economic policies. The Left loves the Welfare State not because it is effective or just but because it is expensive and wasteful with great opportunities for creating wealth and political power for themselves administering it as a patronage program.

He should be careful spouting such pronouncements. Where was your indignation then, John? Not to worry—for all their sanctimonious bluster, progressives go conspicuously silent on usury. There is nothing more usurious than an Ivy tuition that turns a human being into a human annuity when charged at full rate, but is often reduced capriciously.

I agree — not surprised the DiIulio would disappoint. Bastions of liberalism such as the University of Pennsylvania are a self absorbed bubble where Catholics enter and soon are enraptured by the IV League flora and fauna and soon absorbed in to the liberal body politic. I live close to Penn, I see it happen. Thankfully, John Hess, Father Tad and the crew at the NCBC are only twenty blocks from Penn fighting the good fight.

Schneck likely thinks very highly of George Soros because Schneck has served on the Board of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good — the fake Catholic Group rci timeshares for sale uk convinced so many Catholics to vote for the pro-abortion Obama instead of the pro-life Republican candidate because Obama would reduce poverty and thus reduce abortion.

Mitt Romney was pro-life? Lady, Romneycare in Massachusetts was almost identical to Obamacare except that it covered abortion. This black-and-white ignorant thinking is what allows bands make her dance clean free mp3 download to prevail in politics. Romneycare was born of compromise with a deeply blue legislature.

Beyond the state house, one personally is committed through his actions to reduce the abortion rate. The other is personally committed through his actions that women have access to killing their babies at all costs, and even after birth. Both andThe Soros funded group- Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good had the same claim in for the reelection campaign of Obama.

So are marriage rates and the labor force participation rate is at 35 year lows. You want to provide a plausible connection or just stick with assertiong correlation with causation? First of all, what is the pregnancy level now? I believe the pregnancy rate is lower during bad economic times. Secondly, how many women are using the morning after pill? To say Obama is somehow the cause of fewer abortions is ridiculous.

Planned Parenthood is experiencing record profits. We know that ending pregnancies is their main product. If they are not performing mechanical abortions they are providing the morning after pill. He has not done or said anything to cause a drop in abortions. If that is the case fewer abortions it is certainly much more likely due to the pro-life movement and NOT anything Obama might have done.

Obama has nothing to do with this, except that in bad economic times, women are more careful not to get pregnant. The most likely cause of the drop in abortion rates is the slow but successful conversion of the American mind in regards to this American Holocaust. If anything, Obama has done all he can to increase abortions. Romney is duplicitous and deeply flawed man and candidate but the Massachusetts legislation that bears his name was formulated in the Leftist fever swamp of the Massachusetts General Assembly while George Soros is still basic binary options strategy software convicted felon for engaging in insider trading in France along with a long sordid history of international corruption and vice.

I would have unleashed the SAS on him covertly and dropped him over the North Atlantic for a swimming exercise. Sometimes I wish people would suspend emotions and partisanship and just study the facts objectively ha.

The reality that belittles the hollow arguments is that poverty has increased stock options upon resignation these so called benevolent programs not decreased, income inequality has grown, more able bodied people have been put under a trance of semi-permanent state dependency, and more families than before have been torn apart. The facts simply are that these programs are abysmal failures and so there must be some other motive for promoting them.

I wonder what that might be. There are three subhuman trolls here, perhaps one with three accounts, and he is playing with you.

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I mean, how can he remain affiliated with the University? If you really want CUA to get rid of Schneck, then that is tantamount to the argument that academic tenure should be abolished. So good to see your name here! Guy Mcclung San Antonio. Especially when one goes and does the research to see who the top campaign donors were, individually and organizationally. As I recall 9 of the top 10 were lib. You have still not told us what your personal salary is, and what the terms of your health insurance policy are.

Turnabout is fair play; if you are going to take potshots at your political opponents by noting that their offices are much more lavish than your own, then we all deserve to know also what material advantages you take for granted that you would deny to millions of others as a matter of law and public policy.

Thanks for enlightening me! Ruse himself has this idea. To that extent, I am merely giving Mr. Ruse a dose of his own medicine. Ruse ought to ask himself if that adage applies to him. To paraphrase Our Lord, If Mr. Ruse has spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong. Otherwise, why do you beat him with distracting tu quoque? Nestorian embraces the class consciousness of the Left: Oh, and the well-to-do who agree with Marx and Juan Luis Segundo about the legitimate power of the poor.

If you read your bible carefully and thoroughly both testamentsyou would recognize that the class consciousness of the left is pretty much that of Christ, the Prophets, and the Apostles too.

If nothing else, read the Gospel of Luke and the Letter of James. You i want to become a stock trader see what I just claimed to be abundantly verified. I never said that the Bible promises the poor a socialist paradise. But what the Bible DOES promise the poor is a Millenium of peace and justice in which Christ Himself rules as earthly King, following His Glorious Return.

But not class consciousness, which denies free will and makes of man a mechanism imprisoned by his unchangeable membership in a historical class but wait! How many of us could tell Jesus that and not be swallowed up in a big black hole see Acts — Ananias.

Asking such a question just shows you to be obnoxious and ill-mannered. Dear Nestorian, If Mr. Ruse is as rich as you think, then he can afford to work for a small salary because his wealth, his power, and his influence,… um,uh,… oh, look at me, trying to educate a clown who thinks he is a 21st century Nestorian.

The point is that Mr. My own guess is that Mr. Ruse earns at least ten times that. He has no idea what it is like to live under the stress and desperation of severe, grinding want skummad pvc forex poverty, as is the lot of billions on this planet.

But Christ does, and he runescape how to make free money p2p eoc clear his general preference for the poor, and his general condemnation of the rich, in quite a number of Gospel passages, particular as recorded in Luke.

Millions have improved themselves and their work. Sad and backward, Nesty. Your screen name is an embarrassing heresy, already discredited. Your prudential thinking is chase bank money market savings rates great. Lent is a market profile stock volume at price time to recollect yourself and move to the light of orthodox Roman Catholic faith, while rejecting heresy.

And for good measure, Mr. I would prefer that Mr. Ruse call people out by name rather than engaging in this passive-aggressive name-calling. What is Jansenist about my calling out Mr. Ruse on his unjustifiable and mean-spirited belittling of his political opponents on account of their not having a decent academic position? You owe us an apology for invading this website in bad faith, even if now you are using one of your various pseudonyms consistently. Personally I am a Catholic and believe that following Catholic teaching will save the world, and not the liberal social ideas of the Democrat Party, nor will the liberal economic ideas of the Republican Party ill save the world.

Having read Atlas Shrugged it never once occurred to me that John Galt was a Christ like figure, far from it. In the context of the seven deadly sins to be sure John was full of pride. However, the societal response was full of every single sin except perhaps lust, though it too is clearly at the center of sinful worship today.

A particularly venomous viper brood were the sloth class who were quite comfortable living off the spoils of the accomplished in gluttony like royalty, or leaches. Prudential judgment on the part 3 minute emini trading system the laity cannot offend their party line. When it does, they throw around the kind of gorilla dust that Mr. For them, no prudence need apply. The Catholic Left attacks Humanae Vitae, and, with it, the fundamental metaphysical and moral nature of man.

The USCCB has been silent for years on Humanae Vitae, its president, Cardinal Dolan, lamented WSJ We can arm-wrestle about prudential approaches all day long. They call us libertarians, while they are Marxists — the usual kind of Marxist, naturally: To our dear Leftist friends: How about those who love power?

Why does the Catholic Left, so supportive of expansion of federal power and their control of it ignore the libido dominandi, a. Augustine, Civitas Dei, I, Preface. Well said Chris, and a poor reflection on our sad Bishops who grovel at the feet of the state for crumbs. The Catholic Left has the Bible on their side. There was no need for Marx to develop a dialectical materialist metaphysical foundation for his moral critique of capitalism.

He could have found all the ammunition he needed to make his case right in the Bible. No group has done more damage to our beloved Church than Liberals and leftists. When are we going to berate them about how far outside the teachings of the Holy Church they are? When are we going to begin to hold them accountable? This is a simplistic attempt to drive a wedge through the ranks of the faithful. She merely speaks the Truth. Part of that truth is that we as a society have certain responsibilities.

It means that my unborn son and I have coverage. Your next question should have been: As far scottish widows balanced growth share class d accumulation the responsibilities that we owe to the rest in society, you are absolutely right.

Except that the guvmint ought not algorithmic trading strategies python depriving us of that right to assume those responsibilities for us. They should mind their own damn business and get out of my wallet.

It was never about making health care affordable as verified by the runaway costs, it was always and only about the politburos take over of cash dividend reduce retained earning sector of the economy.

All the promises that health insurance would now be cheaper were lies on top of lies on top of more lies. Any decent plumber will tell you that there are times when a job is much more expensive than it needed to be, precisely because some idiot tried to fix it first, using a pair of pliers he bought at and the free screw driver he got at the trade binary options from scratch station.

Health insurance the term healthcare is an outright lie is something that the private individual can do by themselves. Does that mean she and her unborn child should be thrown on the scrapheap? You behave rather oddly when you go out to eat. Despite how often you allege to frequent the place, you know: What else do you know about the staff where you go out to eat?

Or are you lonely such that you go out to eat to look for someone to socialize with? I guess you have a successful brother, that Mummy loves better? You have discerned the emotion that inspires a troll. Show me one Bible passage — even a single one — where Christ, the Apostles, or the Old Testament prophets specifically condemns the poor for their envy of the rich. I, however, could point you to literally dozens of passages that specifically entail condemnations of the rich and solidarity with the poor in one way or another.

It is always I wanna do what I wanna do and you need to pay for it because I say that is Church teaching. They take all of Scripture and constant teaching and throw it out and replace it with post modern ideology. But reading your other posts, I think you have Brian Williams syndrome. Your story is just that, a story. Her child would never be thrown on a scrap heap unless she chose to dispose of it. Every one has access to health care. Government made an anti-market rule to control people not out of compassion.

The Left views healthcare as a patronage system. They are co-opted drones. She would have got very limited care through an Chaos trading system forex free and would not have been able to pay for it herself.

So who do you think would pick up the bill? Those costs would be passed on to the rest of us through our own medical bills. It makes sense, financially and ethically, to have universal health coverage.

This is basic Catholic teaching. It is of no interest that they already provide universal health care to the indigent then claim they need to take over the entire industry to provide healthcare to the indigent. Medicaid and Medicare along with the usurpation of the healthcare market by the wage and price controls of the Second World War. All Hospitals provide care to the poor not merely in the emergency room at little to no cost based on their need.

Catholic Hospitals always did the same. Using the ER for primary care is the most expensive and least effective form of health care. God, who could supply our every need effortlessly, does not do so. Giving people how to make more money in cityville encourages sloth and envy, and claiming that sloth and envy are moral goods is the sin of giving scandal.

This presupposes the right and power to force enslave people to produce those goods, and perform that labor. No, it is not basic Catholic teaching. Socialism is evil; a form of slavery. Socialized medicine is simply a particular kind of slavery.

And of course, he is all about wealth redistribution, EXCEPT HIS OWN!! Where is thy outrage, Tommy? First, I do not like Obama. I am sure he gives to charity market analysis binary options every other ambitious self-promoter, whose tax records are public.

The sorts of comments you toss around so loosely are typical of the judgmental left. Perhaps that would help with your understanding of Catholicism. How does someone working 60 hours a week at minimum wage afford the minimum purchases to help his children move up to the middle class — health care and a college degree? Social mobility in the US is now among the lowest of major industrialized countries.

That is what is evil. And it is the very poor in this country that are being effectively enslaved. Many work their tails off in minimum wage jobs, but live without health care for themselves and their children.

Universal healthcare is NOT basic Catholic teaching. To repeat that lie is to lie yourself. You actually asked her? Her husband works at Walmart and makes so little he qualifies for food stamps. And why so righteous about her marital state? Find a more upscale place to eat.

He would have had healthcare coverage at Wal-Mart were it not for Obamacare. I suspect your feeling is that either they have to have Obamacare or nothing at all. Like our pal Hombre here the Left always has a story that exhibits all the necessary propaganda points. Not reality but convenient to press the propaganda point.

Of course, it is two selfless and validly married people with degrees from Dartmouth, with a baby on the way, who are forced to work at Walmart and waitressing due to the evil cigar smoking Wall Street crook. Naturally, our Catholic faith demands we side with the demonic Left because some propagandist says so. As I recall it was favorite of Cardinal Bernardin who misspent the offerings of widows to send Obama to Alinsky school.

We care about jakarta stock market hours post-born; we understand the seamless garment was and is a ploy to dilute the integrity of the pro-life movement to give cover to Catholic liberals to vote for butchers like Obama and other pseudo-Christians supporting abortion and same sex marriage.

So, yeah, I can be against socialism in every form and instance, and still be pro-life. In fact, my opposition to socialism IS pro-life. There is a difference between honoring the liberty of a person, and actively harming that person throwing them on the scrap heap. As a private citizen, I can and do engage in charity.

If she was truly incapable of caring for herself or her child, then she can ask for charity. How moral is theft? People need health care. This is a basic tenet of Why can i buy stocks on etrade. Nonsense— most Catholic hospitals have thrown in the towel.

Healthcare is among the most heavily regulated industries in the world. Arte you really that insane? I am self-employed, so I know more about your beloved system than you do… If you act compassionately in business you are roundly punished. You either participate in an arms race of ripping off a maximum number of anonymous customers, or you are relegated to backwater status. You realized imposing her political views was a waste of your time and a dimunition of your environment and merited a seriously reduced gratuity.

I love visiting NYC, frequenting any of the better restaurants and asking the wait staff if they voted for Obama. Doing this is about the biggest thrill of the visit to Gotham.

The pre-ACA mess was largely the result of two things. In World War II. After the war the IRS decided properly that such benefits were really in-kind payments in lieu of wagwes and began imposing an daily forex candlestick pattern tax on them. However, in the recodification of the Internal Revenue Code, the Congress enacted Sec of the Code, which exempted employer paid health insurance without limit from tax.

Then it really stunk if you were old, poor or without steady employment. Of course to fix that, the government gave us Medicare and Medicaid. Access to adequate medical attention, the pope said in a written message Nov. Some of you here are virulently anti-Catholic and callous to boot. They are really as pinned down by bureaucracies as the poor, except the poor at least sometimes enjoy life, despite their monetary deficits.

But somehow a poor man who just wants to be left alone, is sucking the life out these characters, by refusing to play as online forex trading currency electronic exchange rate in the game. They imagine all poor people to be loafers. The reality is that many poor people are working multiple jobs trying to stay afloat. How can some of the posters here resent their having health care and education?

I was shocked by the comments above somewhere about a low income woman being grateful to have health coverage through the ACA which she was apparently paying for! Clearly many of the posters would have preferred that this woman and her unborn child go to the devil.

The lives of the poor are hard enough as earn money with survey monkey is without denying them basic human dignity, safety, and chances of upward mobility for their children. Why is this even london stock exchange wikipedia free encyclopedia question on a Catholic blog?

You know it… That was painful, to see Mr. Martinez savaged because he was interested in his waitress. These guys ignore the working poor in their binary search tree c delete node, lusting for a chance to get at someone who they can hustle.

SimplyALiar, a comprehensive pro-life stance is what I have, not slapping a sticker onto murderous philosophies like you… If you have complaints about ACA, take them to the insurance industry who helped craft it and is perfectly satisfied.

But you whole heartedly support the ACA, correct? Are you one of those demanding free birth control pills for one and all? No, it is sad to read the three of you repeatedly read minds and harts of others here and engage in prognosticating what they would or would not do in various hypothetical situations crafted in service to your fevered imaginings.

I have friends who did the same and got slightly better coverage at half the cost. What an utterly absurd and antii-social interpretation! Do you want her or her unborn child to suffer? Does that accord with your views on protecting the unborn? It sounds to me as though the pregnant woman is behaving responsibly and showing admirable independence.

She had options before, nobody was denied for lack of being able to pay for birth. The ACA is only about government control of this economic sector and is a clever name for just another redistribution scheme. She should enjoy it while she has it, because the day will come when the well goes dry, which it will when you pump more water out of the ground than is replenished, and the entitled credit spread put option payoff will panic because their Seminario forex el salvador of the state was shown to be a golden calf.

It is simplistic to claim corrupt Obamacare helps one while killing another. The ends never justify the means. I have a somewhat different take purpose of stock market in a market economy the ACA. I had past tense a very affordable child only policy on my daughter.

I was very happy with that policy. As a Disabled Veteran my care such as it is is covered by the VA. I volunteer at my local Parish as does my Daughter. We give to every fundraising drive the Parish or School has as well as numerous other Charities that are near and dear to us.

And the privileges and niceties that I had so hoped I could provide for my own child are plucked away by Liberal policies that never hold anyone accountable except the taxpayer. Veterans are among the most privileged recipients of public funds in the nation. Early retirement at nearly full pay, discounts and freebies, shopping at the subsidized commissaries and exchanges, guaranteed health care, housing, etc.

They did all that, and had a DI running their butts through obstacles courses, so you could sit behind a computer running your yap. They and their families are the biggest dependents on the nanny state. Many of them would not be employable anywhere else. The military employs millions of people — in active duty, in the reserves, and in private companies that supply the military. You need to get over your sacred cow that working for the military makes you sacrosanct.

Most members of the military are on tax-payer funded workfare. For the thousands of US soldiers who died in Iraq and for their families, I have only pity, sadness and sympathy. As someone said above, they died for Halliburton and for the stupidity and depravity of our leaders.

We should rage that they were effectively murdered! We should grieve for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed, mutilated, orphaned, and displaced in the war. What we purchased with the trillion dollars is not only the deaths of tens of thousands and the displacement of hundreds of thousand more, but also a steady stream of enemies for our country.

But hey, you gotta keep the wheels turning. The war was an unmitigated disaster for all but a select few, who profited greatly from death and pain and bloodshed and heartbreak.

Even Rand Paul has said that Cheney pushed for the Iraq war so that Halliburton would profit http: And how much more are we all going to spend trying to fix the mess the war criminals left behind? And with so much of our public money drained away on death, misery, and destruction, there are still people on this board whining that a waitress, paying for coverage with ACA, has medical care!: How about this, after Ferguson they all sat around wondering why black kids are messed up.

Well, the fact is they decided to make every poor unskilled mother leave home and work at minimum wage jobs, instead of paying the paltry welfare costs. Instead, the government was forced into child care granting. So they depress wages for other workers, pay more to remove mothers from children… These are your so-called pro-family people!

The insurance companies are making out like bandits under ACA and millions more people have coverage. We checked the relevant portions of the law and threatened to litigate, our insurance company realized we had an open and shut case so they caved and agreed to continue paying for treatment, and our daughter recovered.

I have a healthy, living child to attest to that. Because they were under financial pressure, and who would be the first to die? So these guys can talk about their bureaucratic death committees all they want, but the fact is that such committees existed before ACA, in the horrid little call centers of the so-called health managers. We saw at first hand what happens when the profit motive is not restrained by government, which in this case played the role of consumer advocate through fair and decent legislation.

The signature declaration of leftists everywhere. Of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, at least four deal are graces that enhance reason to overrule emotion, so no. Thanks for playing though. Passions are closer to faith though— they are the Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit. And the Gift of Knowledge is not the knowledge you are thinking of, which is the knowledge stolen from the tree.

The Gift of Knowledge is the ability to pray and know God. Community Organizers…now what are they good for? Then there are the scaff and raff of Washington called bureaucrats, or politicians who have never done real work in their lives…the list is endless.

To me, the worst of the lot are the lawyers. Is that what you do Mr Martinez? My nephew is in constant pain from his secret missions as an army ranger. In his fifties now, he is still working.

These guys are dumber than a post. But wrong to say essentially, that they are lazy too! You hate people that defend our country from terrorists looking especially to kill liberals like YOU. Thank you for your service. She had a previously undiagnosed heart condition that made her medically unfit for military service. We owe brave vets like you a huge debt of gratitude. These folks laid their lives on the line at very low pay and often awful conditions.

You and the other two — the longer you keep posting here — reveal your shallowness and arrogant pseudo-Catholicism. Keith described his own struggle and you just crapped all over him. You are a fraud. So much for the hypocrisy and lying of the left. Thousands of men and women were sent to Iraq — by a shamelessly greedy, callous, and psychopathic administration — to be killed or mutilated and to kill and mutilate in turn for … what exactly?

These veterans have my deep and abiding sympathy, but why should we owe them gratitude? They were used as toilet paper by the war criminals and then cast aside with inadequate mental many of them have PTSD and physical health care. They are as much victims as the Iraqi people. That war has cost every US citizen dearly.

Veterans are our fellow victims, even more victimized by the war than most of us. We will all be paying for that war — in all sorts of ways — for a very, very, very long time! Society as a collection of individual has absolutely no responsible greater than the personal responsibility of the individual to tend to their own business and moral responsibilities. Individuals, Families, Churches and communities have responsibility for the care of others in their midst not Government.

The concept that having government mandated Health Insurance is the same as HealthCare is fallacious nonsense. That waitress was never without access to healthcare or means tested Medicaid but the Left loves to pretend that Government solves the problems it creates.

You should try paying cash for Medical Care some time to appreciate the hyper inflation caused by Government funding. In the aftermath of this PC disaster, Leviticus The truly indigent and needy. I guess the list of those branded as heretics for supporting a free market economy includes Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius XII and Pope St. John Paul the Great! The vast majority think the Church advocates big government and redistribution and by extension, voting democrat. Rather we keep our heads down and hearts focused on what the Lord commands us to do with regard to our neighbors in need.

As Stan Evans who is sick, and needs our prayers! We need them to order us — through them and their fellow elites of course — to perform charity the right way: Here they borrow from Aristotle perverting him, of course: There is one thing that despise more than voluntary charity, Christian charity.

These are the professed goals of an organization whose mission is to destroy. All modern Popes have warned us of the excesses of capitalism. Capitalism, like anything else, is good when used for its intended purpose and can become evil when misused. It is probably true that much of the grinding poverty of Latin America comes from abuses of Capitalism. The Pope needs to educate himself on this subject. He needs to distinguish between mature, balanced free market economies, which are tremendous wealth generators and lift people out of poverty, and slimy oligarchies that can sometimes rise to the fore, distort true free markets and distort the free market so that the weatlhy skim the cream without generating jobs.

Unfortunately, as Augustine has aptly noted before, the depth of his economics understanding seems to be only through the lens of the Argentine experience and not more worldly. One hopes that he is being mentored to accelerate filling in those holes. People who identify as liberals have measly charitable deductions and are factors less than those who identify as conservative, particularly on the item of supporting their church and also adjusted for income.

The standard rebuttal is always that the state is their church to whom they tithe. Yes, and it begins with the bishops who in far too many cases are shills for the Dems and then the slime oozes downhill into Catholic Relief Services, The Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Charities USA.

The the slime, in as much an unadulterated form, seeps into the crevices of our women religious orders that espouse the sodomite, social justice, women as priest, and Obama for President BS. The slime is all around us. Careful not to step in it. The Church is big enough to accommodate the entire political spectrum. We need to be open to other points of view.

The devil is adept at using both liberals and conservatives to accomplish his ends. God is our only true judge. Yes, those who promote abortion, doctor assisted suicide or sham marriage have read themselves out of the Church.

Nevertheless, even they can still repent and start promoting the truth that the Church teaches. You are exactly right. Some continually seek to make the church a mirror of their politics. This is the wrong way round. The church is big enough for both sides. A little hypocritical perhaps? Catholic Republicans have had no qualms about claiming the moral high ground with regard to abortion while frequently promoting policies that increase abortion rates and homosexuality while denying that tax-paying homosexuals should have the same rights as the rest of us.

So why all the righteous indignation when Catholic Democrats embrace Catholic teachings on social justice? So Sam — just what are those policies that Catholic Republicans support that increase abortion rates? Because the Catholic Lying Left distorts and transforms those and all other Catholic teachings into their own image and likeness.

I know at least one self-described libertarian whose identity began with his involvement with home brewing, and calcified when his son received an anti-drug program at school that identified alcohol as a drug, without any distinction between alcohol and narcotics.

Despite that this nonobservant product of a late life revert Catholic Mother and a Jewish father, he is passionately pro-life, as are many libertarians.

Some others not enough recognize that SSM is a product of radical contractarianism, but that contracts are secured by the state, so that to extend the arrangement to same sex individuals is to expand the power of state.

I see this as an example of the difficulties imposed by libertarianism. It cannot dispatch antibodies to a philosophical retrovirus, because as Russell Kirk observed, it values eccentricity. I suspect that in as much as libertarianism is often the viewpoint of young, unmarried, childless males and academics it is rather funny to be lectured by the likes of Don Boudreaux, a career academic about the virtues of the free market that pornography is widely accepted.

This might also explain why they prioritize recreational marijuana legalization as a policy priority, instead of say eliminating the IRS, or the Department of Indoctrination.

Many are benign and decent people, who should be evangelized, not marginalized. The capital L libertarian is far more likely to be dogmatic about abortion, SSM or such things because they are largely writers and academics making a living through the development of intellectual novelty. Those who criticize free markets fail to realize just how much is owed to the writings of medieval figures like Saint Bernardine, Saint Antoninus, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and other early Scholastics.

But we may also say: Schumpeter was Phd advisor to Fr Bernard Dempsey Interest and Usury; The Functional Economy and wrote quite the glowing preface to the latter. Dempsey integrates insights from both post St Aquinas Scholastics and all the moderns from A Smith through Marshall in a manner previewing the above quotes from Populorum Progressio and St. And the way poor little Acton Institute sets them off indicates their true purpose — their lives begin and end as Democratic Party activists.

To the extent the Catholic Church can be used to advance their political party, it must be strictly obeyed. To the extent that it opposes their Democratic Party principles, the church must be hounded, ignored or denigrated. Otherwise, it certainly makes no sense as a Catholic entity.

The Catholic left is like a baseball. The leather cover conceals miles of tightly wound string wrapped around a core core. In this case, the core is plutonium. Tremendously disappointed in Professor Di Iulio, who has been treated by his conservative interlocutors with a great deal of respect and grace. If you are a coal miner, your union and the management of the mining company share certain interests.

You want the coal to be mined. You want the coal to bring in money. You want yes, even management wants safe mines. You can then build from that common ground. But the public sector unions never face their employers, which are the taxpayers. The people they negotiate with are ALSO public sector employees, or are the legislators, who often are the same people in a different suit.

The actual employers — taxpayers, parents — are not in the room. Well, at least Austin is not up to his usual rant against gays. But, in his clear reporting on the event he attended, he unintentionally gave a very convincing argument in favor of Catholic Progressives.

If only our market economy had not been raised to the metaphysical level, as an explanation of everything, where the value of anything depends on how much money something is worth, or how much money it can earn.

We are capitalists, not just in an economic sense, but even in a spiritual and moral sense. Come out of the closet already. You have a revealing obsession with homosexuality.

I have an obsession with justice. As a retired old guy, I live content on my pension, along with some Social Security, thank you. The deepest form of deception is that which deceives ones self. Who the he-two sticks do you think funded your pension? I hate writing about them.

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Creative Destruction has absolutely nothing to do with the destruction of the Family which is a issue of sexual morality and government disincentives to marry. Sociologists have long chronicled the correlation between the collapse of the family and the rise of capitalism. We have some other great witnesses, including Dickens and Swift. Today, we have only to look at the families of the poor, their despair over marriage, and all their addictions which tear their families apart.

We do not find the same tragedy among the better educated and the better off. Yes, the global economy has caused the fate of some of the poor to rise. But, in order for it to happen, wages in the U. Right now, the most desperate are blue collar men who realize they have no share in the American dream. Of course, they blame it all on Obama. The world with its limited resources cannot support a capitalist economy based on consumption.

But all those poor people are going to go so far, anyway. A tiny percent of uber-capitalists are about to own half of everything there is, and so no signs of stopping. We are looking at the best capitalism can do, and it is not a pretty picture.

After Mass, I got the best response to a sermon in years. But, as usual, one guy, frothing at the mouth, reamed me out in front of his little kids. And, as usual, a few conservatives got together to complain to higher authorities and plot my demise.

This, of course, is why I do not reveal my name on this site. Sociologists are about intellectually rigorous and honest as any other pseudo-scientific construct of the Left. Sociology is only political science with pretensions of statistical analysis. The tax burden has forced more families to be two wage earners to the detriment of their family while the Welfare subculture encourages single parent families and sexual license.

A cut and paste job straight from the handbook of Tea Party ideology, from somebody who apparently enjoys economic security. You become a two wage family, each with more than one job, when you work for near minimum wages at a place like Walmart. In their generosity, both Walmart and Kmart show their employees how to get food-stamps and find free medical care. In other words, they expect government to subsidize their business plan.

The Left lives off the poor by claiming that they are concerned about their welfare while they loot the productive, grow rich and permanently employed off the dysfunction they encourage. First, there is no ecological catastrophe. Second, you forget that the elimination of socialism and the triumph of free market economies has led to a world where we can at last start the work of eliminating poverty on a world wide basis.

The simple fact is that sociliast India was the poster child for extreme poverty and famine. Since India did away with socialism, it has become one of the richest countries in the world and is now eliminating poverty and it has not had a famine since then.

Free market capitialism works — nothing else does. Where you make your mistake is assuming that everything going wrong in the world can be blamed on Capitalism. Since that is the only system that works, people use it and therefore you can blame everything on the one system that works. This is like saying we should abandon cars because people get into car accidents, causing untold suffering. If only we could go back to horses, all our problems would be solved.

Does much work remain before we can call it nirvana? But people would be much better advised to focus on the human heart rather than pretend that some magic systemic change will bring in the millenium.

We are in the middle of the greatest period of wealth creation in the history of the world, and you want to kill the goose to get at the golden eggs. All things considered, socialism is a relatively new phenomenon that came because of the dismal failures of capitalism.

Capitalism fought tooth and tong for survival and won. But as we can see with the triumph of the. Your average Joe wants to be a millionaire, but does not realize that there is less upward movement in the U. As the world warms and the water runs out, free market solutions will only benefit the powerful. The workers in the U.

In socialist Europe, the level of misery found in the United States would have thousands of protesters on the streets. Dear Father Hombre, Wishing the best for you, and accepting the premise that you are a Catholic priest, I offer some friendly advice: You do not understand either the free enterprise system or socialism.

Nor do you show anything much in the way of economic history. No need to take you apart sentence by sentence, which would be as easy as peeling an onion down to its core. Why is does most committed of all capitalist nations lag behind the socialist countries of Europe by almost every measure: Health, education, percentage of people not in poverty, and a general state of well-being? Interesting coming from a guy who never had to work to earn a living.

I guess one can have a parasitic relationship to the pew-sitting donors as well as one with the tax-paying capitalists. You sound like Genghis, my deceased brother-in-law. The poor fool honestly thought a priest only works a couple of hours a week. Bet your pastor would be interested to know you call him a parasite. The Catholic Church is an hierarchical church. I guess priests could seek employment in the marketplace and then volunteer their time to serve the Church as do so any others.

Those socialist countries in Europe financed their move into socialism using the capitalist economies that actually pay for it. Eventually it will cease doing so. You talk about the future. Some form of socialism will save us from ourselves.

It will probably preserve some aspects of capitalism. But it will protect the weak from the ravages of the strong, something America seems unable to do.

I think this is a very telling comment of yours. You view the world as predatory and your job is to save people from the predators, right? Ever think that you might be among the predators?

Support for the right to unionize was grounded in the right to free association. Unions now operate almost entirely by denying people that right. They insist on universal union membership, making their own association far from free, and their primary tactic to achieve their goals is to forbid their members from freely interacting with others. The existence of these organizations was envisioned as an antidote to an all-powerful state.

Do liberals really support that vision? Unlike countless other civic institutions, though, the unions no longer function in the role that was envisioned for them in the social encyclicals. Having once been a newspaper carrier a kid subjected to union harassment and intimidation- including from my own Great Uncle who was married to the widowed mother of the union leader, I say AMEN!

Poverty, for the most part, is caused by self serving ruling classes that are concerned with their own interests and nothing else. Such a ruling class can consist of a tinpot dictator who is a champion of limited government and free enterprise — government limited to himself basically, and free enterprise only for himself and his associates.

Leo XIII put it this way in Rerum Novarum. But it is precisely in such power of disposal that ownership obtains, whether the property consist of land or chattels. Socialists, therefore, by endeavoring to transfer the possessions of individuals to the community at large, strike at the interests of every wage-earner, since they would deprive him of the liberty of disposing of his wages, and thereby of all hope and possibility of increasing his resources and of bettering his condition in life.

Other self serving ruling classes consist of some combination of these extremes. There are other ways to merge the worst of those extremes.

What Catholics should work for is what has been shown to have the power to create more wealth for more people than anything else has in the history of the world: The combination of freedom, democracy, free enterprise regulated no more than necessary so a healthy tension between the interests of labor and business is sustained, where entrepreneurs have incentive to invest in job-providing businesses and unions have the ability to obtain a living wage and safe, humane working conditions.

There is one more ingredient that is essential to this formula: The rejection of that notion if favor of self interest alone is why the best formula for prosperity the world has ever known is being destroyed before our eyes. The ruling classes that benefit from having a reserve army of dependents are all government types.

You could virtually eliminate modern poverty tomorrow if you could end unwed motherhood, divorce, drug use, criminality and the other social pathologies that are so obviously covaried with the welfare state and teach simple virtues such as delayed gratification, thrift, prudence and the things that accompany prosperous people and families.

There will always be widows and orphans. Catholic Democrats — show me where in the Gospels Jesus teaches, directs his disciple to go get government to do what he tells them to do themselves. You can never underestimate the need for progressive Catholics to seek validation from the secular left. Can any of you help me understand how Democrats feel they can be good Catholics and still support abortion and ALL politicians that also do?!!!

Because they want to use Catholic social teaching to force other people to give money to the poor. This makes them virtuous. So they can ignore everything else that has to do with personal virtue, because they are being virtuous by forcing others to do good. And you made that movie 50 shades of grey trying to mainline perversion.

What kind of Catholic are you? There are some who support those, but there are plenty of libertarians, including me, Ron Paul, Tom Woods, Laurence Vance, etc. You do not understand libertarianism. I was always told that libertarians are socially liberal and economically conservative. This is an egregious mischaracterization. Libertarians are people who choose to guide their behavior and beliefs by a principal — the Non-Aggression Principal NAP. As an ex-conservative, I can appreciate how difficult it is to for conservatives and liberals to understand what it is like to be guided by a principal.

It is a foreign concept that is hard to understand. Conservatives and liberals have a list of line-items in their heads. If you agree with most, you are conservative and if not you are liberal. But libertarians have a principal. The NAP states that no one can initiate violence against another. If you or the conference speakers would like to argue against libertarianism, you need to address why it is morally acceptable, according to Church doctrine, for some people in some situations to be allowed to initiate aggression against others i.

In your articles and in the speeches of the conference speakers, you plural have egregiously failed to do that. That is a FACT that cannot be disputed by intellecually honest people. But, unregulated free markets hurt a lot of people by permitting expoitation of the weak and permitting capitalists to externalize costs for example, to spew pollution into the air. Supposedly free markets that are subject to cronyism and corruption also hurt a lot of people.

The debate that should be having is about how much government regulation of and intervention in the economy is necessary and appropriate to protect the weak who would otherwise be ground up and spit out by forces beyond their control while not stifling growth and prosperity.

There are legitimate arguments on both sides. Replying to my own post… These economically leftist Catholics would have far more moral authority if they were not themselves libertarians on the life issues. And, what seems shocking to me is that they believe governmental regulation and intervention in the American economy needs to be dramatically expanded — i. That seems to me to be a hard case to make based on actual arguments rather than name-calling and labeling.

In the last 40 years the overwhelming percentage of increased worker productivity has NOT gone to those who worked for it. That is a FACT. You are either dishonest, or willfully ignorant. You cite as fact statements with no substantiation.

The truth is sometimes very distasteful. As one very astute person on this site is wont to say: Inwe had Sarbanes Oxley. So you think Glass-Steagall was a bad idea?

Yeah, I think Glass Steagall was a bad idea. Uneforceable laws based upon misconception always are bad ideas. That you think its unassailable shows the paucity of your knowledge. Na, that would be too cynical. The people at the top of the economic spectrum and be as greedy as they want, but that is no excuse for misbehavior. Stable authentic families bring properity. Well, GG with economic policies advocated by people like yourself, the US is well on its way to being a third world nation.

Do you get some perverted glee in seeing your fellow citizens turned into poorly paid paupers? Time to go to confession, maybe? We can see that by watching some biased PBS propaganda piece, but not from reality. Time for you to go to confession? I cannot read your soul, but I can read your propaganda. Rash judgment is a sin. Free markets in the 20th century produced vaccinations, medicines, devises and procedures that brought benefits to all in America — including the poor.

Compare the free market of medicine to the socialized practice of medicine. The people of those societies have little access to the advances of medicine. Pick a country where the government regulates the practice of medicine — Russia, Kenya, Venezuela.

Do their citizens enjoy the advances in medicine of the 20th century? Is it possible the disparity is due to poor moral choices by so many of us? No doubt greed and consumerism are rampant. They are our gods now, but so are other things that destroy souls and make us materially poor. Got that right, GG. Poverty is more a function of social arrangements like being married than due to economic policies.

Yup, blame it on the workers, who are working longer hours than they did 40 years ago. You are confusing workers with those who do not work. But many of your ilk now use the same disparaging terms for working people that are used for people on welfare. You are locked into an intellectual blind alley: If you are, you belong to TWO Kool-Aide drinking ideologies. New York, San Francisco, LA, Boston, and Chicago. These are followed by the Beltway Metroplex, Atlanta.

If you noticed, I listed not only the wealthiest, but the most liberal areas. Wealthy people generally live nera urban areas, I would think. So now, you are trying to make sone bizarre connection to where wealthy people want to live, and associate that with liberalism?

The thing about poverty is that it stands as high now as it did when the Great Society kicked in. So, leftist policies not only did not work, they destroyed the black family.

I need this decoded? All people who work are workers. If we decide to fornicate, abandon our responsibilities, blame others, demand the State fulfill the role that we knowingly reject, then I fail to see that as a good act or one consistent with dignity or salvation.

IOW, greedy people are only one part of the equation. We are not living in feudal times. This is a grave offense against children. As government has expanded in scope and scale, income disparity has gone up. In the case of the last decade. Not to be picky Austin but who is doing the proofreading at Crises these days? The most prominent libertarian politician in recent memory, Ron Paul, favors neither abortion nor same-sex marriage. Neither does his son.

Moreover, he was the only presidential candidate with the courage to talk advocate Just War Theory in a climate very hostile to such views. Paul grew to oppose the death penalty after concluding that too many innocent people are being executed.

Here is what Catholic Social Teaching is all about — http: All need to support THE JUST THIRD WAY…THE JUST THIRD WAY…. THE JUST THIRD WAY…. Personally I do not share your obvious disappointment at the failure of Repubs to launch. I was surprised and even a little concerned they would invest a portion of an historic mandate on the life issue at all, especially considering the attack on women meme from the left, Senator Ovary and all the rest.

Having just endured six years without a nod in the direction of life … it actually felt good for a minute. So our friends are fat, lazy, timid and weak. The Church teaches the State must outlaw injustice. But neither economic freedom and justice can come from a government that is morally bankrupt and corrupt to the core.

Freedom and justice emanate from God despite what Cuomo says. A truly free market is well-ordered and promotes the common good. What we have in place now is not in accord with the common good… Libertarians misunderstand authentic freedom. The whole situation just drips with hypocrisy: John Zuhlsdorf — the supposed bastion of true Orthodoxy — and his increasing snarky, dismissive comments about Pope Francis I. Apparently, an Apostolic Exhortation only really matters when it comes from a Saint-Pope with whom one tends to agree!

Beware of casting your lot with Bergoglio and not with Christ. We are to be configured to Christ who is the Truth. As regards the Holy Father, he is the Vicar of Christ, notwithstanding the erroneous views of those who wish to lead faithful Catholics away from Pope Francis, e. It is ludicrous to suggest that one could follow Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ, without following Christ.

I recognize that traditionalists http: I say that it is licit to resist him by not doing what he orders and by impeding the execution of his will. The opinion that the Holy Father is leading souls away from Christ still strikes me as thoroughly ludicrous! The opinion that the Pope cannot be a heretic ceases to be probable when there is credible evidence that he has deviated from the faith.

In that case he most definitely led a soul away from Christ, and scandalized others. It is impossible to maintain seriously that the attack on marriage put forward by Cardinal Kasper and his kind has not received the approval and support of Francis; who knows what harm this will cause to the faith of many?

If this seems ludicrous to you, then I have to wonder what you would consider an example of leading someone astray. Robert was a cardinal, bishop and theologian, an authentic voice of the magisterium, who was writing a treatise on the powers and limitations of the papacy, and he recognized that there can be situations when it is licit to disobey the Pope.

Catherine was a mystic Dominican tertiary, a private person, who urged obedience to the Pope then reigning; maybe if a modernist in a clown nose sat on the throne in the fourteenth century she would have written differently. It appears that St.

I have personal experience with that type, and you will not elicit any sympathy from me. Catherine is a Doctor; so is St. De Romano Pontifice 4. I attend the old Mass when I can, the Byzantine liturgy when I must.

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