Trading hours nsw anzac day

Trading hours nsw anzac day

Posted: Makey On: 30.05.2017

Statement in relation to alleged breaches by Woolworths of retail trading laws.

trading hours nsw anzac day

Review of the amendments to the Retail Trading Act Boxing Day Factsheet Media Release: Merely rostering a person to work on the day does not mean that they have freely elected to work. Retailers that want to open should take care to ensure they comply with this condition.


If you require further information on your workplace rights under the Fair Work Act you should call the Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94 or seek legal advice. Whether adverse action, discrimination or bullying has occurred will depend upon the particular facts of each case.

trading hours nsw anzac day

This applies even if the shopkeeper may be allowed to open under the Retail Trading laws, including the new Boxing Day exemption. Banks will now be permitted to open their retail branches for business on the August Bank Holiday and all public holidays apart from Good Friday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on Anzac Day and Christmas Day on the condition that all persons working in the bank freely elect to do so without any coercion, harassment, threat or intimidation by or on behalf of the bank.

Retail trading hours in NSW: ministers, union want guarantee

Formal applications to the Secretary of Treasury will no longer be required for these days. However, banks that want to open should take care to ensure they comply with this condition.

Part of the new law provides for the ministerial appointment of an independent person to review these amendments to the Retail Trading Act to ensure they are operating as intended.

Anzac Day What’s open, closed over the long weekend?

This will include the level of compliance by employers and any complaints by employees who may have been coerced into working on Boxing Day. Furthermore, a sunset clause will automatically commence on 1 December which would revert the Retail Trading Act to how it was prior to the amendments.

The Government will have to introduce another Bill in Parliament if it wishes the amendments to operate permanently. NSW IR will also significantly increase education activities in the lead up to Boxing Day so that employers and employees know their rights and responsibilities — this will include webinars — online seminars.

Easter and Anzac Day Retail Trading in NSW. Review of Boxing Day Trading. Retail Trading in NSW.

trading hours nsw anzac day

Boxing Day Factsheet. Retail Trading - Factsheet. Retail Trading - FAQs. Retail Trading Amendment Boxing Day webinar. Retail trading on unrestricted days.

Completing and submitting the application form. Building and Construction Industry. Banks and other financial institutions Banks Banks will now be permitted to open their retail branches for business on the August Bank Holiday and all public holidays apart from Good Friday, Easter Sunday, before 1pm on Anzac Day and Christmas Day on the condition that all persons working in the bank freely elect to do so without any coercion, harassment, threat or intimidation by or on behalf of the bank.


Independent review and sunset clause Part of the new law provides for the ministerial appointment of an independent person to review these amendments to the Retail Trading Act to ensure they are operating as intended. Information on this page is currently being reviewed. Long Service Leave Calculator. Public Sector IR Circulars.

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