Eve make money mining

Eve make money mining

Posted: charlik2 On: 11.07.2017

Whether a returning bittervet or day 1 trial account, ask about anything you need to know about the complex world of EVE. Isk The Guide 3. Any listing of your own invite link will result in a permanent ban from this subreddit. This is to help newbies out with quality information not to get free ISK. How does one make ISK from mining? I'll get right to the point. I am down in nullsec with a corporation that controls a area. Regular fleets with boosts.

I have a few ships that i mine with: Mining mostly ore right now can not mine mercoxit yet , but spodium, gnesis, arknor, bistot, and others.

eve make money mining

How do i make money? I feel like i am missing something here. Should i use a freight service to haul my ore some where like Jita to sell? Don't touch the Orca or Rorqual until you can lose both repeatedly.

eve make money mining

Use a Procurer or Skiff, instead. As for how to make ISK, you sell it. If the values in your local region aren't acceptable, find someone in your group who operates a Buy-Back program make sure you compress the ore for both a better value and to lessen the headache of moving it all. While JF jump freighters can use stargates like any other ship, their main attraction is that they can use cynos to jump several systems in a row to travel faster, and to bypass potential hostile ships at choke points.

A second character either controlled by you, on a second game account, or controlled by someone you trust needs to light a cyno beacon, which your freighter can then jump to. Note that cyno fields can only be lit in low- and nullsec systems; when travelling to high-sec you need to make the last few jumps between systems using normal stargates.

Ah, but lets say, Provi to Thakala, than leg it to amarr from there? Only downside is gankers in LS. They'll manage compression and safe liquidation of the ores so you don't have to. Finally, make more money by getting higher skills and increasing your ore-per-hour. There's not too much to it. If they don't, encourage them to set one up.

There isnt a lot of money in mining unless you get into an rorqual or use multiple alts. Its relatively low pay for a lot of effort, skill investment, and isk investment. In null you normally sell to your corp or alliance. They use the ore to build caps and such. That is your best alternative. Typically this really eats into your profit. Depending on where you live, they can charge anything from isk per m 3.

eve make money mining

Your own logistics department will typically charge less than "commercial " services. You could buy a JF and do the hauling yourself but that can be a pain in the ass. You have to have cyno alts and worry about getting ganked. Though you could use the JF to do logistics for the corp on the side and make extra cash that way.

One of the rules of eve is " just because you can sit in it ship doesnt mean you should fly it" You shouldn't use ships without good support skills, especially high value ships. A fully fitted rorq with mining drones will run you about as much as a jump freighter. The skills to fly it decently will take far longer than 65 days unless you are a vet pilot and already have a bunch of capital skills trained already as well as other skills you will need such as tanking skills and drone skills.

Most alliances in null offer buyback programs and many of them are pretty fair. Echoing others here, but the primary source of isk for miners - at least in early days - is the corp's ore buyback service.

Mining in EVE Online - EVE Online Guide

The other methods are too time-intensive, too much effort, and not worth the aggravation. Start with smaller ships, and work your way up. Mining gangs are good for safety - large groups of drones can tackle rats - and provide safety in numbers if a PvP gang tries to blop the system. It also means you get bonuses from others with Porpoises, for example.

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There's probably better ways of doing it, but they will no doubt take time, careful preparation, and effort to put into practice. Earn the isk, squirrel it away, keep SPs queued at all times, and move upwards in increments while learning more tricks. Mining is a great activity for isk, but it requires many accounts. It scales extremely well. One miner makes 40M isk and hour, 10 accounts can make M per hour. That's the power of scaling with mining. But in the first 15 or 20 minutes or so it's explained pretty well how much one can make.

By the way, my corp, Magikarp Evolution Society can help out with that activity for you. Thanks for all the feedback everyone.

Super helpful and gives me a lot of things to work with. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds.

Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Lastly, i can train into a Orca in 11 days and a Rorq in 65 days. Just looking for a little feedback and help. Note that this service isn't cheap. Have fun and fly safe! This is an archived post. You won't be able to vote or comment.

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